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A word formation process in which parts of two familiar words are yoked together (usually the first part of one word and the second part of the other) to produce a word which combines the meanings and sound of the old ones.

bound morpheme

A morpheme that must be attached to another form in order to be able to function as a word.



An inflected form of a noun that indicates the grammatical function of the noun with respect to other words in the sentence.


A way of shortening words or phrases by clipping off some part of a word and throwing away the rest.


Creation of a new word witout basing it on some pre-existing word or part of a word.

complex word

A word that consists of one root morpheme (bound or free) and at least one derivational affix.


A word that consists of more than one root morpheme.


A part of speech that is used to join clauses or sentences.


A word formation process in which a word is assigned to a new word class without any change in form.


derivational affixes

Affixes that are used to create new words. Such affixes are not required by the grammatical context.

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